Once you’ve managed to contact a few Shih Tzu breeders that you’re interested in purchasing a puppy from. Pay them a visit in order to meet the soon to be parents of the litter. Or to visit the puppies themselves. Don’t hesitate to ask the following Shih Tzu breeder questions.

In general, you will not bring home the new puppy on your first visit. This first visit is usually just a visit to get to know the breeder and for the breeder to get to know you.
Good breeders will welcome the visit and would not mind showing you how they breed and take care of their dogs.
When visiting for the first time and taking the tour, make sure you inquire about where the dogs are kept. And that the breeder is forthcoming and upfront with information about living conditions.

Keep in mind, do not just scoop up any puppy you see. Look around and pay attention as well as get to know the breeder just as you’ll get to know the dogs.
Be Curious! ask the Shih Tzu breeder questions that any reputable breeder will be happy to answer for potential buyers.
Upon meeting the breeder for the first time. Expect him or her to ask you plenty of questions about yourself, your home, and your living situation.
Do not get frustrated with this line of questioning. The breeder only wants to make sure that you’d be a good match for his or her precious Shih Tzu Puppy.
Remember, Hobby breeders do not breed for profit, therefore, they care who takes home their puppies.
Do not purchase a puppy from the breeder without knowing the following Shih Tzu breeder questions:
Shih Tzu Breeder Questions You Should Ask:
What are some things I should know about Shih Tzu before purchasing it?
Most people who take the time to find a good Shih Tzu breeder have already researched and most likely read books about them. However, it will still be good to ask basic Shih Tzu breeder questions about the dog to see what they say.
An honest breeder would let you know the good and the bad about the breed. Such as the amount of grooming required, housetraining, and some of the health issues associated with the breed. Be aware of the breeder who paints a rosy picture of owning a Shih Tzu. Don’t get me wrong—Shih Tzus are awesome dogs; however, no breed of dog is without its problems.
Are you trying to produce any specific traits when you breed?
You know you’ve found a good breeder when he or she is striving for better health and behavior in the breed. Nonetheless, keep in mind that those breeders that show their Shih Tzus are breeding a dog that looks and acts perfectly and for a nicer coat, texture, head shape, front-end, or other concerns important to them. There is nothing wrong with this as long as they’re also considering health and behavior. Therefore, upon asking this question, you do not want a breeder to say “larger litter sizes” or “huh!?”
Do your dogs have any health issues or concerns I should know? Have you encountered any health problems or genetic issues while breeding?
Breeders who tell you no health problems with their dogs either don’t test or know what they discuss. If this happens, run as fast as you can. Consider this a big red flag and continue your search for a reputable breeder who is honest and is not afraid of answering simple Shih Tzu breeder questions, which will allow you to make a wise and informed decision. All breeders, at some time, encounter health problems in the breed.
Can we look at any records of the vaccinations the puppies may have had up to this point?
This is information any breeder would love to share with you. In fact, this should be the first thing the breeder highlights upon your first visit, or in some cases, over the phone.
Do you offer any guarantees, and under what circumstances do they apply?
Good, honest, and reputable breeders usually have a contract with a health guarantee. It protects the dog, you, and the breeder. Pay very close attention to what you’re signing. In addition, be aware of your rights and what the breeder expects of you. Keep looking if the breeder does not require a contract or guarantee.
Are there any references?
Any breeder would love to provide you with a list of the names and phone numbers of previous clients who know him or her.
Don’t hesitate to call some of those numbers and talk to the clients personally. These clients would not hesitate to ask if the breeder is worth your time.
Are you available to ask Shih Tzu breeder questions in the future if I have any problems?
Any good breeder would be glad to assist you with any problems that may arise in the future with your Shih Tzu. In fact, good hobby Shih Tzu breeders would be happy to be there for you throughout the life of the dog.
Can I return the dog to you if I can no longer provide the care that he or she deserves?
Most breeders know if you’re not a good match for one of their Shih Tzu puppies from the start. They know whose going to stick with their dogs through thick and thin. However, in the case of unexpected circumstances. Any reputable breeder would be elated to take back the Shih Tzu from you. Instead of you having to take it to an animal shelter. In fact, in the contract that you signed with the breeder, it should have stated that the dog should come back to the breeder in case of a situation where you could no longer care for the dog.
Most breeders that are responsible already has plans to socialize they’re puppies from the very beginning. This helps them get accustomed to being handled by humans.
How soon do you allow your Shih Tzu puppies to go home with someone?
Shih Tzu puppies as well as other puppy breeds need to stay with their mothers and littermates for at least eight weeks. However, most breeders prefer to keep smaller breeds including the Shih Tzu for at least 12 and in some cases 16 weeks.
This is a good sign that the breeder cares about his or her dogs. Unfortunately, if you’re not patient, this may not be good news for you. But keep in mind that this is what’s best for the dog.

The aforementioned Shih Tzu breeder questions are essential to know before purchasing your Shih Tzu.