A Shih Tzu has a high maintenance look. However, grooming is not very difficult or time-consuming if you choose to groom your Shih Tzu yourself. Fortunately, Shih Tzu puppies do not require a lot of grooming if you stay on top of the task.
A daily brush is all that it will need. As your puppy grows, the ungroomed dog can become a matted mess, which is very unhealthy for the animal. Your well-groomed Shih Tzu should have long, flowing hair with a top knot or clipped hair and the optional long top knot.
Caring for your Shih Tzu’s hair is the most significant task in proper grooming apart from nails and teeth. A significant element to take into consideration is that over-bathing your Shih Tzu does not mean a more prime coat.
A puppy, for example, only needs a bath once a week or fortnightly. Brush a puppy every third day, without cutting as the fur is still too short.
How to Groom Your Shih Tzu: Adult Dog
A bath every three weeks for an adult Shih Tzu is all that it will need depending on situations that dirty the animal’s coat.
Brushing is only required at a once a week minimum. However, three to four times a week saves headaches in catching mats before they become troublesome.
The one-year-old Shih Tzu should have its adult hair and is the perfect time for you to start proper coat grooming methods. Do not brush too rough as that may lead to hair breakage.

Also, it would be best if you did not spray the dog with a mixture of dog conditioner and water before brushing. Pet supply stores will have Static Control Spray that is excellent in preventing breakage of hair.
Start brushing at the dog’s legs, working down to the feet with care in case of matted fur. When you find mats, use patience in working it out instead of reaching for clippers.
The brush should reach through the complete coat, getting down to the dog’s skin. For the face and ears, a comb is best. You can find special combs for your Shih Tzu online and at pet stores.
The comb is used gently through topknot hair, mustache, and face. For cleanliness and hygiene, use round-tipped scissors around the animal’s anus if the hair does not fall naturally around the sides.
Grow a Long Coat
There certainly is a difference in terms of how to groom your Shih Tzu if your choice is to have that Show Dog appearance, which includes long, flowing, and luxurious hair that reaches the floor.
Breakage and split ends are something to avoid, and more experienced dog owners often wrap the dog’s hair.

A silk wrapping that’s in 1-inch sections protects the hair, and it is folded to the dog’s base and held in place with non-stick rubber bands. This process is tedious and done every second day for show dogs.
Merely wanting a beautiful long-haired coat requires meticulous grooming handled with care and patience.
Use high-quality shampoos and conditioners for the coat along with gentle brushing to avoid breaking. When using the brush, use long flat strokes as curling at ends of strokes cause breakage.
How to Groom Your Shih Tzu around the Eyes
Clean the face and eye area of your Shih Tzu daily with a damp, soft cloth if you do not have cleansing wipes for dogs.
Foot Pads Hair Trimming
When you own a long-haired dog, you will notice hair grows between paw pads, which creates a problem for you and your dog.
Trim the hair that grows between the larger back pad and four smaller front paw pads. Use a comb and clippers and start this grooming from puppy age to avoid difficulty when the dog is outgrown and unfamiliar with it.
Shih Tzu Ear Care
The best way to prevent ear infections is to trim the hair growing from puppy’s ears at an early stage and continue to do so as they grow.
Starting at the puppy stage, doing a periodical cleaning with a cotton ball and an ear cleaner prevents adult dogs from disliking the procedure.
Nail Care
Shih Tzu puppy nails grow fast. Thus, once a week, clipping is a must. However, with adult dogs, a clipping every three weeks is alright.
Dental Care
Dental care is more than just cosmetic, as it prevents problems and promotes good health. Your dog will only have its adult teeth around seven to eight months old. You will make life easier for yourself and your dog by providing dental care at a young age.

You do not need to use a brush initially; use your finger to massage their little teeth and gums with doggie toothpaste.
As they grow older, they will be accustomed to toothpaste regardless of whether you use a brush, gauze, or finger. You will also be able to use a dental spray made, especially for dogs. Hopefully, you find this information on how to groom your Shih Tzu helpful.