Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to serve your dog canned dog food, dog rolls, and dog biscuits for every meal. For instance, there are human foods safe for dogs to consume.
If you’re curious about examples of popular human foods, which make healthy alternatives for your dog’s meals and snacks. Continue reading to discover the top 10 human foods safe for dogs to eat.
The top 10 human foods Safe for dogs:
1. Rice
Both plain brown rice and white rice are safe for dogs to consume. If you have a younger dog, you may want to serve small quantities of brown rice, which contain protein and little fat.
While if you have an older dog who struggles to digest its meal. You might want to try feeding it small portions of white rice, a simple carbohydrate that is easy to digest.
2. Carrots
Try chopping up raw carrots and adding them to your dog’s meals. Not only does chewing on carrots improve your dog’s oral health. But carrots are also rich in fiber, which is essential for your dog’s digestive system. Carrots are also jam-packed with vitamins, such as vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B1, and vitamin B6.
3. Chicken

Raw chicken is an excellent source of protein and can serve as a great alternative to canned food. However, ensure that the chicken you serve your dog is absent of the bone. Dogs can accidentally choke on chicken bones. For a meal that is nutritionally complete, simply serve your dog a portion of chicken alongside a variety of boiled vegetables.
4. Pumpkin
If your dog struggles with digestive problems, you may want to try serving it, raw pumpkin, diced into small cubes. Pumpkin will soften your dog’s stools. As a bonus, pumpkin also contains a high percentage of fiber and vitamin A, which makes it one of the best human foods for dogs to eat.
5. Tuna
Tuna is as healthy for dogs as it is for humans. It contains omega 3 fatty acids and essential fatty acids, which neither humans nor dogs can produce naturally. Tuna also contains protein and a plethora of vitamins, including Vitamin B12 and Vitamin B6.
6. Broccoli
When steamed, broccoli releases an enzyme that will decrease your dog’s risk of developing cancer. Broccoli also contains sulforaphane, which will boost your dog’s immune system. But, you should only feed your dog broccoli once a week; if dogs consume broccoli in large quantities, they can develop thyroid problems. Broccoli is among the best human foods safe for dogs to consume.
7. Yogurt
Fat-free, natural yogurt is safe for dogs to eat. Yogurt is full of natural live bacteria that can aid your dog’s digestive system and boost its overall health. It also contains calcium and protein, which are essential to your dog’s well-being. If you live in a hot climate, you may be interested in freezing yogurt as a special summer treat for both you and your dog.
8. Apples
An apple a day keeps the vet away. Well, not quite, but apples make a healthy treat for dogs as they contain phytonutrients and fiber and a range of vitamins, including Vitamin C and Vitamin A.
However, if you plan on serving your dog apples, ensure to avoid serving your dog the core of an apple, as apple seeds which are found in the center of apples contain cyanide, which is poisonous to both dogs and humans.
9. Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes boast a grocery store list of vitamins and nutrients including vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium, potassium, copper, and thiamine.
If you’re keen to serve your dog sweet potatoes, make sure to remove the skin before chopping them into bite-sized chunks and boiling them.
Remember to restrict your dog’s portion of sweet potatoes as eating an excess of sweet potatoes can cause your dog to gain weight.
10. Popcorn
Contrary to popular belief, dogs can consume popcorn. Just ensure to opt for natural popcorn, which has no added salt or butter.

Not only is popcorn a low-calorie snack, but it contains magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus, minerals which will help strengthen your dog’s bones.
So what are you waiting for? Next time you visit your local grocery store, make sure to pick up some of the ingredients listed above so that you can introduce your dog to a few new foods.
You may even be interested in cooking a meal, which you can share with your dog.