If you’ve made up your mind to get a Shih Tzu, then the best place to start looking is the American Shih Tzu Club or your local Shih Tzu club. These are resources that could help in finding a Shih Tzu breeder a lot easier.
They can provide you with the names of reputable breeders. You can also meet breeders, trainers, and professional dog show handlers at a breed or all-breed dog club.

These people can provide you with a wealth of information about a variety of breeders.
Other significant sources about finding a Shih Tzu breeder are dog publications, which you can get from your local bookstore or pet store.
Dog magazines are a great place to start also because they contain advertisements from dog breeders that have Shih Tzus for sale.
Be Patient When Finding a Shih Tzu Breeder
However, keep in mind that not every breeder that posts an advertisement in a publication is reputable.
Therefore, it would be wise to check the breeder’s credentials and reputation before you purchase.
In most cases, word of mouth is the best way to find a good breeder. If you know someone that owns a Shih Tzu and is happy with their pet’s personality and health, ask him or her where they obtained their puppy.
You can also get recommendations from dog club members, dog groomers, dog trainers, and professional dog handlers.

Have you ever heard the saying, “it’s a small world?” Well, the dog world is even smaller. Therefore, the best Shih Tzu breeders are very active in the world of the canine.
Another great way to get the Shih Tzu that you want is to attend dog shows in your area and meet different breeders in person; this will allow you to talk to the breeders and see their dogs. It will enable you to determine which breeders give you a sense of confidence.
Make sure you purchase your Shih Tzu from a reputable breeder. Do not be alarmed if the breeder you chose does not have puppies immediately available for you.
Keep in mind that the right Shih Tzu will be worth the wait once you make up your mind to be the proud owner of a Shih Tzu. It is not too late to find a good breeder today.