Family-Friendly Dogs: The Shih Tzu is one of The Best – Top 10 Questions Answered

shih Tzus are royal dogs they demand comfort and cuddling

Shih Tzu’s are great family-friendly dogs, and they expect to live a life of luxury. Therefore, having your little regal companion on the floor will not win you any favors. By now, you should know that Shih Tzu’s are indoor dogs and cannot be left outside to the elements.

top 10 family dogs
Shih Tzus are extremely family-friendly dogs

However, having them inside the home sleeping on the cold floor is not luxurious enough. Shih Tzus are royal dogs and would rather lounge on a soft, comfortable couch.

They’ll also prefer to sleep with you in your soft, warm bed if you allow it.

Whether you let your Shih Tzu into the bed or not, you should also consider getting your little companion other comfortable spots for him or her to lounge throughout the day.

Try getting a soft doggy bed, a safe crate or kennel, and access to other furniture throughout the house.

Your Shih Tzu will thank you for it. Remember, these little dogs want two things —  your companionship and comfort.

Having a Shih Tzu in your home is like being in the presence of royalty.

These dogs sat in the laps of Emperors, Empresses, and high heads of state; therefore, having them sleep on the cold floor is not becoming of this majestic breed.

Shih Tzus are Amongst the Best Family-Friendly Dogs

family-friendly dogs
These family-friendly dogs love to be pampered

The emblematic Shih Tzu is a “love magnet.” This breed is highly adaptable to many living accommodations, making it ideal for apartment dogs. These dogs are mellow, get along awesomely with family members and strangers, and usually make good friends with other dogs or animals. The Shih Tzu is among the few toy breeds that do exceptionally well with young children, making it one of the top family-friendly dogs.

However, owning a Shih Tzu does have its downsides. For example, you are barking up the wrong tree if you are looking for a dog to run miles, climb mountains, or guard valuables. Your dog is more likely to throw kisses at strangers than warn you when one is approaching.

best family-friendly dogs for kids

There is no doubt that Shih Tzus are amazing dogs. Their luxurious coat and sweet expressions make them very attractive. The Shih Tzu is a delightful companion and easy to indulge. With its unassuming and quiet disposition, it demands to be the center of its human parents’ world.

This dog wants nothing more than to bathe in its owner’s affection. It even tolerates all types of silly pampering, which includes being dressed in doggie clothing, carried in dog purses, and pushed around in doggie carriages.

This breed is happy-go-lucky and can befriend all types of animals, such as household dogs and cats. However, it is essential to socialize them early to avoid inter-dog aggression and dominance issues. Shih Tzus are quick learners in training, but they can be difficult and stubborn.

Do not doubt the intelligence and persistence of this dog to get its way. They are gentle, even-tempered, and are well suited for homes with children. However, younger children need supervision when playing with Shih Tzus.

Shih Tzu in doggie clothing

Some think getting a smaller dog like the Shih Tzu means they do not need much care, but that is not so. This breed loves attention and craves it. Therefore, if you do not give your dog enough, it will become bored and lonely. A bored and lonely Shih Tzu will develop behavioral issues.

This dog is one of the best family-friendly dogs because it instantly bonds with the family. You will love this dog because it can be playful and energetic but, at other times, lazy and sleepy. To own a Shih Tzu, you must be patient, but the benefits of having this breed as a pet greatly outweigh the negatives.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Shih Tzu truly family-friendly dogs, or is that just a stereotype?

Shih Tzu have earned their reputation as family-friendly dogs due to their warm and playful nature. Research from the American Kennel Club highlights their adaptability to various lifestyles, making them suitable for families with children of all ages. However, supervision and early socialization are crucial to ensure safe interactions, especially with young children.

How does Shih Tzu interact with children of different age groups?

Toddlers: Shih Tzu can be patient playmates but may become overwhelmed by overly enthusiastic toddlers. Close supervision is essential to prevent accidental injury to the dog.
Young Children: Shih Tzu often thrives with school-aged children who understand gentle handling and respect boundaries. They can enjoy interactive games and cuddling.
Teenagers: Shih Tzus’ playful and affectionate nature can complement teenagers’ energy levels, making them ideal companions for activities like walks and leisurely outings.

Can Shih Tzu adapt to households with multiple pets?

Shih Tzu generally gets along well with other pets, including dogs and cats, especially if introduced early and adequately socialized. Their adaptability makes them ideal for multi-pet households, fostering harmonious relationships.

Does Shih Tzu have specific exercise needs that might impact family life?

Despite their small size, Shih Tzu requires daily exercise to maintain physical and mental well-being. However, their exercise needs are relatively moderate compared to larger breeds. Short walks, leisure time in a fenced yard, or indoor interactive games are sufficient to keep them happy and healthy.

Are Shih Tzu prone to any behavioral issues that could affect their suitability for families?

Like any breed, Shih Tzu can develop behavioral issues if not properly trained and socialized. Common challenges include housebreaking difficulties, excessive barking, and separation anxiety. Positive reinforcement training and consistent routines can effectively address these issues, ensuring a well-behaved family dog.

What are the grooming requirements for Shih Tzu, and how can they impact family life?

Shih Tzu has long, flowing coats that require regular grooming to inhibit matting and maintain hygiene. Daily brushing, occasional bathing, and professional grooming every 4-6 weeks are recommended. While their grooming needs are relatively high, involving children in age-appropriate grooming tasks can foster responsibility and strengthen the bond between child and dog.

Are there any health concerns associated with Shih Tzu that families should know?

Shih Tzu is predisposed to specific health issues, including brachycephalic syndrome (breathing difficulties), dental problems, eye conditions, and allergies. Regular veterinary checkups, a balanced diet, and preventive care can minimize the risks and ensure a long and healthy life for family-friendly dogs.

How does the lifespan of a Shih Tzu compare to other family-friendly dogs?

Shih Tzus have a lifespan of 10-16 years, which is comparable to that of other small—to medium-sized family-friendly dogs. Their relatively long lifespan allows them to form lasting bonds with family members and become cherished companions for years.

What are some tips for successfully integrating a Shih Tzu into a family environment?

Early socialization: Expose your Shih Tzu puppy to several people, animals, and environments to ensure they grow into well-adjusted adult dogs.
Positive reinforcement training: Use rewards-based training to teach your Shih Tzu basic commands and good behavior.
Consistent routines: Establish regular schedules for feeding, exercise, grooming, and playtime to create a predictable environment for your Shih Tzu.
Supervision with children: Always supervise interactions between young children and your Shih Tzu to prevent accidental injury to either party.
Regular veterinary care: Schedule routine checkups and vaccinations to maintain your Shih Tzu’s health and well-being.

Where can I find a respectable breeder or rescue organization to adopt a Shih Tzu?

Reputable breeders spotlight the health and well-being of their dogs and adhere to ethical breeding practices. The American Shih Tzu Club lists breeders who meet its standards. Adopting from a rescue organization can also be rewarding, offering a second chance to a deserving Shih Tzu.

By understanding the unique characters and needs of Shih Tzu, you can decide whether this charming breed is the right fit for your family. With proper care, training, and socialization, a Shih Tzu can become a beloved member of your household and a loyal companion for years to come.

DISCLAIMER: The information on is intended for general knowledge and informational purposes only. The content is not a substitute for professional veterinary advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian or other qualified animal health provider with any questions you may have regarding your dog’s health or medical condition.


  1. Shih Tzu Breed Information:
  2. Shih Tzu Dog Breed Information and Personality:
  3. Shih Tzu: Dog Breed Profile:

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