Shih Tzu Heat Stroke: 8 Ways To Prevent and Stop Overheating – Top Questions Answered

shih Tzu exposed to the elements

A Shih Tzu heat stroke is almost inevitable if left outside on hot, humid days without shade or ways to stay cool. Therefore, do not leave your Shih Tzu exposed to the elements. If you would like to get a Shih Tzu, here are some things to remember:

shih tzu heat tolerance
Do not lose your dog to a Shih Tzu heat stroke; always keep them safe

1. Shih Tzu’s cannot live outside. Because of their short noses and heavy coats, hot and humid weather can be dangerous to them.

A Shih Tzu that is exposed to the sun all day or even in the shade where the humidity soars is in danger of a Shih Tzu heat stroke.

2. Shih Tzus should not be exposed to cold weather, either. Although their ancestors came from the frigid and snowy climate of the Tibetan mountains, they’re still vulnerable to the cold.

How do shih tzu react after stroke
A Shih Tzu heat stroke is deadly to your dog

The Shih Tzus back then were larger and heartier than today’s dogs. If you must keep your dog outside, please provide him or her with a doghouse that can provide warmth on cold days and nights.

Do not leave them at the mercy of the elements. Like all dogs, the Shih Tzu will enjoy a short excursion into the snow on a beautiful winter day. But as soon as you bring your dog inside, dry him or her off thoroughly.

Furthermore, after a romp in the snow, your Shih Tzu will not mind staying in front of the fireplace to get warm and cuddle. Please do not leave your Shih Tzu exposed to the elements.

8 Tips To Prevent a Shih Tzu Heat Stroke: Place your Shih Tzu on a cooling pad

A great way to cool your Shih Tzu fast is to use a cooling pad. Place the pad on the dog’s stomach or just close enough to where he can feel the coolness. You can also place the pad in your home where your dog can access it whenever he feels like it. Cooling pads are a great way to cool down your pet because they consist of a gel that stays cold for a certain amount of time when stored in the refrigerator or freezer.

Always keep your Shih Tzu hydrated

Hydration is the best and most convenient way to prevent a Shih Tzu heat stroke. Always have water at hand, especially on long walks during hot weather. If possible, add a few ice cubes for added coolness. Water is essential for dogs like the Shih Tzu because of their short muzzle and heavy coat.

Invest in a doggy pool

Shih Tzu owners in hot climates should always have access to a doggy pool. However, a kiddie pool would work as well. Your dog would enjoy a dip in the pool after coming home from a long walk or a strenuous training session. A dip in the pool will regulate his body temperature. During an emergency, do not throw him into the pool; introduce him slowly into the water. A sudden change in your dog’s temperature can cause the situation to get worse.

Get them in the cool air as soon as possible

Shih Tzu heat stroke
Shih Tzu heat stroke: All dogs need to be monitored for heat stroke

A great way to provide relief from the heat is to use a fan or something that can act as a fan to provide a breeze. Your dog will greatly appreciate the temporary relief from the blistering heat. If possible, oscillate the fan so that cold air can circulate. Again, slowly introduce the cooling agent in an emergency so as not to worsen the situation.

Consider investing in a water mister

All Shih Tzu owners in warmer climates should invest in a water mister for their dogs. A water mister strategically placed around the yard can provide relief during hot, humid days. Once you purchase the water mister, attach it to a water supply. These water misters are inexpensive and excellent for your dogs to cool themselves.

Utilize a wet blanket

Shih Tzu overheating
Keep your dog cool to prevent a Shih Tzu heat stroke

You can use a damp old blanket, towel, or cloth and place it into the freezer to get cold. Cover your dog with it, or you can put it on the groin or neck. This method works in a similar way to the cooling pad but is cheaper.

Ice sticks and ice popsicles are an option

Shih Tzu owners who live in warmer climates know that the freezer will get a lot of work during the hotter seasons of the year. Make popsicles or icicles of flavors you know your Shih Tzu would love. A great taste that all dogs love is beef.

Provide a shaded area for your dog

A cool shaded area is a must after a long walk, strenuous training session, or a romp in the yard. A shaded area and plenty of drinking water will help prevent a Shih Tzu heat stroke. Also, consider purchasing a collapsible tent that you can bring along when you walk your dog. Again, Shih Tzus need as much protection from the sun as possible thanks to their features, which make them highly susceptible to heatstroke.

Hopefully, these tips will help you prevent a Shih Tzu heat stroke and keep your canine friend healthy, happy, and safe during those hot summer days.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are Shih Tzus particularly vulnerable to heat stroke compared to other breeds?

Brachycephalic Anatomy: Their flat faces and short muzzles obstruct airflow, hindering their ability to pant effectively and regulate body temperature.
Dense Coat: Their thick double coat acts as insulation, trapping heat close to their body.
Small Size: Their smaller body mass means they overheat faster than larger breeds.

Are specific environmental factors exacerbating heat stroke risk in Shih Tzus?

Humidity: High humidity reduces the efficiency of panting, making it harder for them to cool down.
Direct Sunlight: Their dark coats absorb more solar radiation, increasing their internal temperature.
Lack of Shade/Water: Inadequate access to cool, shaded areas and freshwater can quickly lead to dehydration and overheating.

Beyond the obvious signs (panting, lethargy), what are subtle indicators of a Shih Tzu heat stroke that owners might miss?

Thick, Rope-Like Saliva: This indicates severe dehydration.
Brick Red Gums: Normal gums are pink; this color change signals heat stress.
Stumbling/Disorientation: Neurological signs can appear as heat affects the brain.
Increased Heart Rate: A racing heart is the body’s attempt to circulate blood and cool down.

Can previous episodes of heat stroke in a Shih Tzu predispose them to future occurrences?

Yes, research suggests that prior heat stroke incidents can damage a dog’s thermoregulatory system, making them more susceptible to heat-related illness in the future.

How quickly can a seemingly mild Shih Tzu heat stroke escalate into a life-threatening situation?

Heat stroke progresses rapidly. A Shih Tzu showing mild signs (excessive panting, warm skin) can deteriorate within minutes, leading to organ failure and even death if not immediately treated.

What are the long-term consequences of heat stroke in Shih Tzus, even after seemingly recovering?

Kidney Damage: Heat can injure the kidneys, potentially leading to chronic renal issues.
Neurological Deficits: Brain damage can cause lasting behavioral or cognitive changes.
Heart Problems: The stress of heat stroke can strain the heart, increasing the risk of future cardiac conditions.

Are there specific cooling techniques for Shih Tzus during heat stroke that differ from general canine first aid?

While the basics (wet towels, cool water) apply, be cautious with ice or frigid water, as it can cause blood vessels to constrict, hindering cooling. Focus on gradual cooling and prioritize veterinary care.

Does the age of a Shih Tzu influence its susceptibility and response to heat stroke?

Yes, puppies and senior Shih Tzus are more vulnerable. Puppies have less developed thermoregulation, while older dogs may have underlying health conditions that exacerbate heat stress.

Should owners know of ongoing research initiatives focusing on Shih Tzu heat stroke?

Veterinary researchers are continually studying brachycephalic breeds and heat tolerance. Stay updated through reputable sources like the American Kennel Club (AKC) or breed-specific organizations for the latest findings.

Beyond immediate cooling, what are the critical steps involved in the veterinary treatment of Shih Tzu heat stroke?

IV Fluids: To rehydrate and restore electrolyte balance.
Oxygen Therapy: To support respiratory function.
Monitoring: To assess organ function (kidney, liver) and detect potential complications.
Medications: To address inflammation, pain, and potential secondary infections.

DISCLAIMER: The information on is intended for general knowledge and informational purposes only. The content is not a substitute for professional veterinary advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian or other qualified animal health provider with any questions you may have regarding your dog’s health or medical condition.


  1. American Kennel Club (AKC): Heatstroke in Dogs: Signs & Treatment
  2. VCA Hospitals: Heatstroke in Dogs
  3. American College of Veterinary Surgeons (ACVS): Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome
  4. The Veterinary Nurse: Heatstroke in Brachycephalic Dogs
  5. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA): Risk Factors for Heatstroke in Dogs
  6. Frontiers in Veterinary Science: Canine Heatstroke: Pathophysiology, Risk Factors, and Prevention

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