Unlike a Labrador retriever, you must get on the floor to pet the Shih Tzu toy breed. This dog belongs to the group known as (the toy group). Because of their short legs, they don’t get much taller than about 10 inches. Therefore, to admire and respect a Shih Tzu’s wonderful features, you must bring yourself down to their level.

Regarding show-dog Shih Tzu, they possess specific features, but one thing they all have in common, show-dog or not, is the noticeable trait of weight. Although the Shih Tzu is a small dog, it is heavier than it looks and is not as fragile as other toy breeds.
Despite their tank-like build, Shih Tzus are still just the right size for a lap or a handbag. Shih Tzus are not equipped for hunting, tracking, treeing a raccoon, guarding a house, or pulling a sled. In addition, do not attempt to make your Shih Tzu win races, herd sheep, or swim.
Shih Tzu Toy Breeds and Arrogance
Shih Tzu’s are not built or designed to work, nor do they want to work. They’re just happy lounging on the couch with you while you pet and cuddle them.

However, they can scoop off a mouse or two in the home. But chances are they’ll ignore the mouse altogether.
It boggles the mind how a cute, cuddly Shih Tzu, a member of the toy breeds of dogs, can be so high and mighty. However, I bet you would be, too, if your ancestors lived in the Imperial palaces of ancient China.
You would have a pretty healthy self-concept, as well. These dogs reveal their usual arrogance in standing, moving, and looking around with their flat little nose held high.
Shih Tzus may even look down their noses at people they aren’t sure deserve their attention, but that probably doesn’t happen too often. Consider your Shih Tzu a compassionate king.
A Shih Tzu is a Great Addition to your Family

The ancient Chinese bred this dog to perfection. These Shih Tzu toy breeds were the perfect companions and foot warmers in those cold ancient palaces of old. Though predominantly bred for companionship, some owners used them as watchdogs. However, they are better equipped as companions.
Shih Tzu’s love when you pet, cuddle, and shower them with attention. This dog is a perfect addition to any family, especially those with children. Overall, the appearance of the breed is to attain a constant balance in physique somewhere between being too leggy, squatty, or tubby. However, the Shih Tzu must be stable, compact, and just the right weight and substance.
The most defining feature of Shih Tzu toy breeds is their luxurious double coat, which must be extended, flowing, and dense.

Buying a Shih Tzu is a significant decision that requires careful research and commitment. Take your time and find out as much as possible about this dog because although this breed is cute and cuddly, they are high maintenance. You will not be disappointed once you bring this dog into your family.
Although the Shih Tzu is a member of the toy breed group, it is not weak. This tough dog can usually withstand a little spirited romp with the kids. Planning and researching your new pet’s arrival are just as critical as deciding to buy. Therefore, you need to get started in the best manner possible. Contact breeders, other owners, and veterinarians for the best path.
DISCLAIMER: The information on shihtzudoginformation.com is intended for general knowledge and informational purposes only. The content is not a substitute for professional veterinary advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian or other qualified animal health provider with any questions you may have regarding your dog’s health or medical condition.
- American Kennel Club: https://www.akc.org/dog-breeds/shih-tzu
- VCA Hospitals: https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/brachycephalic-airway-syndrome-in-dogs
- American Veterinary Medical Association: https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/pet-owners/petcare/pet-dental-care
- DogTime: https://dogtime.com/dog-breeds/shih-tzu