Ok! The weeks and months of searching for the perfect Shih Tzu puppy have now come to fruition. It is now time to bring the little bundle of joy home and introduce her to the new surroundings. Now comes the hard part of actually caring for a Shih Tzu puppy.
Hopefully, you have everything prepared so that your new puppy can quickly adapt to her new family members and lifestyle. The first thing you will need to do is some puppy-proofing.

Unfortunately, some of the characteristics we’ve grown to love about Shih Tzu dogs, such as their outgoing personality, hectic activity, curiosity, and small size, present some of the biggest problems for their safety.
Therefore, you will have to puppy-proof your home, yard, and garden. Make sure you check everywhere for perils that can lead to potentially dangerous situations for your little Shih Tzu puppy. You will need to get rid of all hazards or make access to them impossible for the puppy.
Always know where your puppy is, do not step on her! Remember, puppies like to stay close and follow you around; she will always be under you, so please be careful where you step. Also, make sure you know what your puppy is doing at all times. Here are some tips to follow when caring for a Shih Tzu puppy.
Here Are Some Things That You Should Take Note of When Caring for a Shih Tzu Puppy
Keep a lookout: Try to get as low as possible so that you’re at the eye-level of your puppy so that you can see what type of dangers your Shih Tzu puppy may encounter on her level.

Windows, doors, and furniture: Keep all doors and windows closed. Also, always prevent your puppy from climbing up on furniture. Falling off of the table could injure her.
Furniture that’s pushed up under open windows should never be accessible to your Shih Tzu because she could climb up and fall out. Keep an eye out for your puppy when around gliding, reclining, and rocking chairs; she could get crushed.
Keep cabinets closed: Ensure that all cabinets are securely fastened, especially if they contain household cleaning chemicals. And keep products from the edge of cabinets so they cannot fall on your puppy.
Avoid painting baseboards and walls with toxic, lead-based paints or poisonous varnishes.
Keep her away from electrical cords and appliances: Make sure always to unplug electrical cables of items that you’re not using and put them somewhere that your puppy cannot reach them.
Many Shih Tzu puppies die every year of electrical shock from gnawing on electrical cords. Not to mention, it can also cause a fire in your home.
Keep toilet lids down: You do not want your puppy to drink out of the toilet; she can also fall in and drown. If possible, please keep the bathroom door closed at all times.
Garage: If you allow your puppy entry into the garage, please ensure that all sharp objects, tools, chemicals, and other poisons are out of reach.
Monitoring at All Times Is Important When Caring for a Shih Tzu Puppy
Many pets die of antifreeze poisoning every year, which you can always find on garage floors. It has a sweet taste that animals love. Ingesting antifreeze in small amounts can cause devastating effects such as kidney damage and death.
Hazardous yard materials: Make sure there are no holes in your fence or gate. And make sure that they’re closed securely. You should also keep her away from toxic and chemical fertilizers, weed killers, and cocoa mulch, which are poisonous to pets.
Hazardous Plants: If you have poisonous plants in your garden or homes such as foxglove, lily of the valley, and philodendron, please ensure that your pet cannot gain access.
You can also check with a nursery or your local vet for other plants that may pose a threat to your puppy.
Caring for A Shih Tzu Puppy is Not Easy
Foreign Substances: Keep all foreign substances such as rubber bands, balls, coins, children’s toys, pens, needles, buttons, and other like items out of the reach of your puppy.
For instance, pennies are incredibly high in zinc, which can lead to zinc poisoning or choking.
Thrash: Please keep your Shih Tzu away from garbage where she may end up eating rotten food, plastic, bones, aluminum, or other items that could be hazardous to her health.
Many dogs fall victim to garbage poisoning, which is a common form of food poisoning. This particular form of food poisoning is bacteria and other toxins that form on old and decaying foods.
Prescription drugs and candy: Keep all medicines and candy out of the reach of your Shih Tzu puppy. Although chocolate is a delectable treat for humans, it is highly toxic for dogs.
Choking and suffocation can occur when your puppy consumes hard candies. Also, common everyday medicines such as aspirin, naproxen, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen can even be fatal to your Shih Tzu.
Swimming pools: Remember to keep all swimming pools and Jacuzzis covered.
It’s good!!!!!:)