Can you afford a Shih Tzu? Well, before you run out and purchase one, you need to read every word in this article. Although Shih Tzus are small dogs, they come with a large price tag.

When it comes to the average dog, the owner spends around $27,000 to $42,000 throughout the dog’s lifetime, which in some cases can range from 12 to 18 years.
These expenses include the dog’s cost, food, supplies, and taking care of the dog’s health with regular visits to the vet. In addition to the price tag, the Shih Tzu has a longer than average lifespan than other dog breeds.
If You Can Afford A Shih Tzu Monetarily, Can You Afford One With Your Time?
Shih Tzus are also high maintenance dogs. You can spend a lot of money on monthly grooming alone. These dogs do not stay healthy if they’re not groomed properly.
They’re also susceptible to many ailments that many other dog owners do not have to deal with.

In the previous paragraph, I was mainly talking about a Shih Tzu puppy. However, an older adopted dog can cost just as much in vet cost and other supplies.
All the costs of owning one of these high maintenance dogs have so far been monetary, but let’s not forget about the cost in time. These dogs demand attention.
You cannot leave a Shih Tzu tied up in the backyard for days on end. Can you afford all that? It is not about money.
If you have the money to maintain one of these dogs but do not have the time, I recommend that you get another dog. Shih Tzus are dogs that cannot be left alone for long periods.
In fact, the lack of human contact can cause a Shih Tzu to develop behavioral problems. Therefore, if you cannot afford a Shih Tzu both in budget and time, I suggest you get another dog

If you can afford a Shih Tzu, I can assure you that the love, companionship, emotional, physical, and psychological benefits will offset any monetary costs of dog ownership.
It is a known fact that petting a dog has health benefits such as lowering blood pressure. Also, dog owners live a lot longer than non-dog owners do.
Therefore, if you consider all the positives of owning a dog, you realize that it is well worth every penny. But you must ask yourself if this is the right dog for you, even though monetarily, you can afford a Shih Tzu. Perhaps another dog that requires less maintenance.