Are you thinking about adopting an older Shih Tzu? Because you do not want to deal with the whole getting a new puppy thing, which comes with having to housetrain, accidents on the carpet, getting bitten by razor-sharp needle teeth, and so on.

If that’s the case, you may want to consider adopting an older Shih Tzu.
There’s a better chance that an older dog will already be housetrained, people-friendly, quieter, and if you’re lucky, may even do a few tricks.
Therefore, an older dog is probably what you had in mind when you decided to get a Shih Tzu as a pet. You have two main options when you come to the decision of adopting an older Shih Tzu.
Two Main Options for Adopting an Older Shih Tzu Are:
Rescue Homes and Animal Shelters
Rescue Homes are like foster homes where undesirable pups and dogs are kept. They’re taken care of by devoted animal lovers who give shelter and care to the dogs in a home-based atmosphere.
An animal shelter is usually a central holding place belonging to an association, where animals are kept and cared for by paid workers or volunteers.
As both accommodations are run on a benevolent basis, expect to pay for your dog. But the cost will be significantly less than what you would pay a professional breeder.

Rescue homes usually charge more than shelters. But as the dog has been kept in a more familiar environment, it is less likely to have any adjustment issues. And will be better behaved and possibly in better health.
It is important to stress that if you are looking for your first dog or are worried about pure lineage or pet problems. Either bring a more experienced person with you or have the dog examined by a vet before you agree to take the dog on.
Common sense will tell you that Shih Tzus seldom comes up for adoption. The Shih Tzu’s convivial character, small size, and of course value, makes them unlikely to be abandoned.
But now and then, they do wind up in either a rescue home or shelter. However, if you have a word with the organizers who run these places, they may keep you in mind whenever one comes available. It will probably help your case if you donate at the time of asking!
Advantages and Disadvantages of Adopting an Older Shih Tzu
Most Shih Tzu that come from shelters or rescues will be mature dogs that are already house and obedience trained. These dogs are mostly always loving and can adjust relatively quickly to their new homes.
Adopting an older Shih Tzu from shelters or rescues will not be as expensive as a puppy from a private owner or a breeder. Almost all dogs in these facilities are likely already spayed and neutered. Or the procedure is already included in the cost of adoption.
Subsequently, a Shih Tzu from a rescue or shelter is a fully grown adult; you will already know what type of space and crate size they require. Also, the temperament of the dog is set, making it easier to tell if a particular adoptive family is a good match.
The main disadvantage of getting a Shih Tzu from a rescue or shelter is the long wait between the application process and matching the correct dog to the right family. Unfortunately, some dogs that come from shelters and rescue organizations tend to have anxiety issues. These dogs will need special attention while they attempt to adjust to their new living arrangements. Once in a while, you will get a Shih Tzu that does not adjust to its new home. Thankfully, in this unfortunate situation, the rescue or shelter organization will take the dog back.
I would love to have another Shitzu. If there is an opportunity to rescue one please let me know
Looking for a 2 yr. Male Old shih tzu, as a brother for my 2 yr. Old shih tzu male, live in Newton Ia.