A Shih Tzu Yorkie mix is the result of a Yorkshire terrier parent and a Shih Tzu parent. There are quite a few different names for this particular breed, including the Yorkie Tzu and the Shorkie Tzu.
Breeders will either cross a purebred to a mixed breed or cross two purebred dogs. The chances are that you would not be familiar with the parent dogs upon purchase of your designer pet. So there is no way to tell whether it’s a first-generation mix or one of a few other combinations.

Puppies in a hybrid litter will have quite a few differences between them. Some will adopt the temperamental features of one parent. In contrast, another will adopt the physical characteristics of the other parent. And some will be similar to both parents.
A full-grown Shih Tzu Yorkie mix will weigh between 7-15 pounds and have a lifespan of about 15 years.
A Shih Tzu Yorkie mix that is for sale can vary quite significantly in its colors. Some will feature colors that you would see in a Shih Tzu breed. At the same time, others will have colors that have more resemblance to a Yorkshire terrier.
Shorkie puppies can be colorful, which is mostly dependent on the Shih Tzu side of the gene pool. They come in a wide range of colors, including brown, black, silver, red, gold, white, and any combination of these.
The Shih Tzu Yorkie Mix are Designer Dogs
Shorkies are certainly one of the more exciting breeds, aesthetically and characteristically speaking.
You will hear these puppies being referred to mainly as designer dogs, as well as mixed breeds and hybrids.
If you are thinking of getting a dog, it is always worth considering a rescue dog. You can save an innocent animal’s life for what is relatively such a small price.
Both breeds are famous for their affectionate, loving, playful, and loyal character. Yorkies were not originally bred to be companion dogs, but rather to be ratters, so naturally, they will have an interest in chasing small creatures.
However, this tendency is the least pronounced in Yorkie’s out of the majority of dogs in the sporting group.
Shih Tzus are companion dogs, and it’s not hard to see why once you have been around one for a few minutes.
Being close to people and being gentle is in the nature of both of these dogs. And they are incredibly intelligent, meaning they’re suitable for training.

There are some issues with housebreaking when it comes to these breeds. However, more often than not, they’ll quickly overcome the problem with a little training.
With regards to exercise, the Shih Tzu – Yorkie hybrids are only going to need the same amount that was required by their Yorkie and Shih Tzu parents, which means that the exercise requirement is minimal and definitely won’t be a strenuous task.
They’ll get pretty much all the exercise they need by just pondering about with you in the house. A short outdoor run is preferred, but most are more than happy with a brief daily walk.
It is not too uncommon for Shorkies to randomly have a spurt of energy, in which case they’ll sprint around crazily for a few minutes. Do not be alarmed, this behavior is normal.
A Shih Tzu Yorkie mix doesn’t have the incredibly short nose that you’ll see on Shih Tzus. So they aren’t generally thought of as a short-headed dog.
Despite their low requirement for exercise, Shorkies are somewhat more tolerant of activity than some Shih Tzu. So they are also suitable for quite active families.
Yorkie’s are rather vocal. Most other toy breed dogs are very yappy, but Shih Tzu dogs generally are not too talkative. They will make a point to bark when somebody is at the door. So they’re quite capable of being watchdogs.
A Shorkie is going to adopt the characteristics of either one of their parents. Therefore, there is room for some variability.
Grooming your Shih Tzu Yorkie mix
It is essential to keep a Shorkie’s coat mat free with daily brushing. If this is something that you can’t do, a thorough brush every other day will generally suffice.
A bath is a good idea every couple of weeks, which is not much of a hassle. You will find that most owners wipe their dog’s face every day to clean off any debris or tear stains.
If you would like to keep your Shih Tzu Yorkie mix looking as good as they possibly can, a trip to the groomers around every seven weeks is perfectly alright.
While at the groomers, make sure to get their ears cleaned, hair removed from their footpads, and nails clipped.