In Britain, they divide the Poodle by size into three different types. However, the history of the breed is common to them all. They’re 3 sizes under FCI rules, including a medium-size (Caniche Moyen) fitting in between the Miniature and Standard varieties.
We have always accepted the Poodle as a French breed; however, this dog’s development started in Germany as the Water Dog or Pudel. The Poodle was originally a large Gundog; breeders used these dogs to pull milk carts in Germany. In France, the breed became stronger and heavier, where their main job were companion dogs. Later, the breed became smaller. They say the smaller Poodles are great circus performers, mainly in France. The breed is also famous for its ability to learn tricks easily. At one time, they exhibited the Corded Poodle, strikingly different in appearance from the curly coat recognized today.
No matter the size, this dog needs to show balance and elegance, with a very proud gait. This is a very spirited and good-tempered breed; their heads are long with a strong, well-chiseled foreface. These dogs display various colors such as white, cream, apricot, brown, black, blue, and silver. However, in all cases, clear colors are best. The abundant, curly coat does not molt. Experts recommend you show dogs in a traditional lion clip. However, they show puppies in what they term ‘puppy trim.’
Poodle Breed Facts

TEMPERAMENT: Many consider This dog to be one of the world’s smartest breeds. They’re quick learners and are easy to train. This dog is highly sensitive, and they possess a long memory. In fact, any rough handling or harsh training methods can have a long-term negative effect on them. These dogs are social by nature; However, puppies will need steady socialization training to build self-confidence and deject them from becoming too clinging and dependent. Poodles are excellent house dogs and companions, and they’re naturally friendly and accepting of other pets and dogs.
GROOMING: This breed do not shed; however, they still need daily brushing to prevent matting. They’re also going to need a trimming every 6 to 8 weeks.
LIFE EXPECTANCY: Toy and Miniature—15–18 years; Standard–10–13 years
COLOR: This dog come in solid colors in shades of blue, gray, silver, brown, apricot, cream, black, and white
COAT: This dog’s coat is shiny, harsh-textured, consistently curly, and dense all over
GROUP: They recognize The Standard and Miniature Poodle as a member of the Non-Sporting Group; the Toy variety is a member of the Toy Group

ACTIVITY LEVEL: Modest. The Standard Poodle breeds are high energy dogs and need to walk or romp for at least 30-minute periods 2 times daily. Toys and Miniatures should have 2 or 3 short walks daily.
SIZE: There are 3 variations: Toy—10 inches and under, 4–6 pounds; Miniature—10 to 15 inches, 12–20 pounds; Standard—over 15 inches; males—60–70 pounds, females—40–50 pounds
Potential owners should only purchase from reputable breeders.