The Keeshond is a dog that shares its heritage with various European Spitz breeds, such as the Finnish Spitz and the Pomeranian. In Holland, the Keeshond evolved and became a barge dog... Read more »

The Finnish Spitz is a traditional hunting dog of Finland, which goes by the Finnish Cock-Eeared Dog and the Finnish Barking Birddog. This breed nearly went extinct by the late 19th century,... Read more »

The American Eskimo Dog is a product of the strains of a variety of European Spitz breeds, such as the Keeshond, Pomeranian, and Volpino Italiano. These ancestors included multipurpose farm dogs, family... Read more »

The early origins of the Dalmatian come with a lot of uncertainty. However, some experts believe that the breed originated somewhere around Croatia’s Dalmatia coast; though, there are still many spotted breeds... Read more »

The Bichon Frise, or the Bichon Tenerife as the earlier breeders called them, originally came to us by way of the Mediterranean, where they likely shared lineage with old water spaniels. This... Read more »

The Chinese Shar-Pei is a product of ancient China, dating back to the Han Dynasty over two-thousand years ago. The Shar-Pei shares its lineage with another old Chinese breed, the Chow Chow.... Read more »