Often, dog owners are looking for effective ways to achieve successful Shih Tzu training. They spend time looking for ways on how they will be able to make Fluffy sit, stay, down, and so on. Therefore, Shih Tzu training for owners is essential.
Many owners have conquered the web, invaded libraries, and bookstores looking for books and magazines about dogs and dog training.
They even brought the subject to friends and other dog enthusiasts for like nth times already.
It really helps if a dog owner does all that, the chance of having a well-mannered little dog is greater.

Dog owners must remember that being responsible is the most important way to successful Shih Tzu training and many years of happy friendship.
Before anything else, or at least before you bring home a pup, evaluate yourself if you are ready. Dog ownership is a life-long commitment, and veterinary bills and pet supplies are not cheap either.
The Way to Successful Shih Tzu Training for Owners

Time, lifestyle, schedules, and other activities must also be placed into careful consideration. Do you have the time for daily walks and potty training?
Is this breed ideal for your home? Are you willing to spend extra bucks for your pet’s medication in case of sickness?
Based on American Kennel Club (AKC), here are some responsibilities of dog owners:
- The dog’s welfare depends on the owner
- Provide fresh water and quality food
- Socialize dog through exposure to new people, places, and other dogs
- Regular grooming
- Ensure basic training
- Take the pet for regular vet visits and make sure all vaccinations are current
- Pick-up and properly dispose of the dog’s waste
- Be aware of the responsibilities to neighbors and the community (ex. obtain AKC Canine Good Citizen)
- Provide a proper amount of exercise and mental stimulation
- Provide a form of identification such as collar tags, tattoo or microchip ID
- Adhere to local laws
By doing so, you are helping one small creature live a happy and healthy life. Do you think you can do all these?
If you can, then there is no way Shih Tzu training will fail on your part.
Richard Cussons is a pet owner who loves to share tips on Shih tzu training. More Shih tzu training tips can be found at shihtzusavvy.com.
Shih Tzu training for owners