How to get rid of fleas on Shih Tzu: The Shih Tzu is a famous toy dog known for its fair temperament and toy looks. It is a small breed, weighing between 9 and 16 pounds; on average, the Shih Tzu peaks between 8 and 11 inches. Despite its size, this dog is surprisingly stable on the ground. When healthy, it is very endearing and playful towards humans and other dogs. However, if unhealthy, the breed is given to stress and restlessness. One of the most severe health threats in the Shih Tzu is a flea infestation, which causes allergies, anemia, irritation, and sometimes even death. Shih Tzu itching is incredibly uncomfortable and causes restlessness.
How to Get Rid of Fleas on Shih Tzu: Detection is Crucial

Check your Shih Tzu’s skin for fleas and flea dirt. Fleas tend to resemble small black or brown sesame seeds. However, these sesame seeds move—fast. Fleas and ticks are a lot easier to spot on your dog’s stomach, where the hair is thinner.

Flea dirt is just another name for flea droppings. It resembles flecks of pepper at the bottom of your dog’s hair and can often be seen on the back just in front of the tail. If you cannot tell the difference between flea dirt and regular dirt, use a flea comb to collect a sample, then press it on a napkin and wait a few minutes. If the napkin turns red around the specks, you have fleas: Flea dirt comprises of blood. Therefore, when it gets wet, it bleeds red.

This is a breed with a heavy and glorious coat of hair. Therefore, detecting fleas is quite a bit of a problem for most pet owners. Fleas cause Shih Tzu constant itching, which makes detection of an infestation a little easier. Your dog will scratch all the time, and you are likely to see dry parts of the skin, a result of too much scratching. If they have mange mites on their bodies, this might be a pointer to the fact that they are harboring fleas inside the coat. Some dogs will develop allergies as soon as fleas land on their bodies, and these will manifest themselves in the form of inflammation.
Learning how to get rid of fleas on Shih Tzu is not difficult as long as you can detect them. Here are a few ideas.
Making Use of a Flea Comb
Flea combs are a regular fixture in most pet shops. These combs do an excellent job of getting rid of fleas by combing with a back and forth motion. Sometimes, this solution is not very useful. So pet owners will dab some jelly on the teeth of the comb so that the fleas can stick to its teeth. This is a reliable remedy. However, it only works if the parasites are finding their way into the coat of your dog. The combing process should involve gentle motions that do not hurt your pet. The dog’s coat is parted, leaving tiny spaces between strands and isolating fleas.
Electronic Flea Traps and Commercial Medications
These electronic flea traps are a little more expensive than flea combs, but then, they do a better job. While using this trap, pay attention to the comfort of your Shih Tzu. Make sure that you adhere to all safety precautions. There are also useful chemicals out there. Some come in the form of powders and others as fluids.
Nature-based Flea Repellents
Chemical treatment of Shih Tzu ticks and fleas raises some safety concerns. This reason is why some people prefer natural repellents. Whenever you go shopping for any repellent, be sure to check for the ingredients as well as any possible notifications about side effects.
Fleas have severe effects on the health of Shih Tzus. They are one of the leading causes of Shih Tzu dermatitis and a variety of other ailments. In getting rid of these parasites, pay attention to your dog’s head, ears, armpits, and the small spaces between the toes.
Hopefully these instructions give you a better idea on how to get rid of fleas on Shih Tzu dogs.