Constipation in Dogs: relieve it safely, and naturally

Although most dogs may have one or two occurrences of constipation throughout their lives, it is not normal for them to have recurring bouts of constipation. If this happens to your dog, you must locate the underlying cause. When a dog experiences prolonged constipation, it usually results from serious gastrointestinal problems, such as mega-colon.

The colon dilates so that it can hold feces and over an extended period, then it loses its ability to force the feces out. Often, constipation is due to dietary problems.

Some problems that can lead to constipation in dogs are:

Too little fiber in the diet

Lack of fresh drinking water

Parasite infestation

Eating foreign objects, such as garbage, bones, or even stones

Insufficient exercise

Underlying medical condition

One of the many symptoms of constipation in dogs that are easy to ascertain is an extended period between bowel movements. Most dogs should normally have daily bowel movements or at least every other day. Other signs of constipation in dogs are: a dog tries strenuously to go potty, but nothing comes out, very small, hard, and dry feces; lethargy; abdominal pain; bloating; or loss of appetite.

constipation in dogs

Constipation appears to affect older dogs more frequently and they often strain to go potty, only to pass a little bit of liquid stool. Your dog’s veterinarian needs to thoroughly examine your pet and perform all necessary tests to locate the cause of constipation.

The recommended constipation in dogs’ natural treatment will depend on the cause of the problem. Dehydration is a serious side effect and sometimes a canine requires intravenous fluids to treat this problem. There are natural dog laxative remedies that can stimulate colon contraction while softening the stool.

However, an enema may be necessary, or, in severe cases, the veterinarian may physically remove the feces or perform surgery. Some preventative measures to prevent constipation are: always Having fresh water available, a high fiber diet, regular exercise, and taking your dog outside regularly.

How to Relieve Constipation in Dogs

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