The Komondor is a descendent of flock guardians used in Eastern Europe and Russia for thousands of years. A direct descendent of the Russian Ovtcharkas, the Komondor by name, can be traced to Hungarian documents from the sixteenth century. The breed has been known in Hungary for at least 1,000 years and later made it to America in the 1930s. It is considered a rare breed, with approximately 1000 – 1500 Komondorok registered annually in the United States.
Komondor Breed Standard

This is a large, rugged, athletic dog with plenty of bone and substance and slightly rectangular proportions. It possesses a level back, a deep, powerful chest, and sturdy, well-muscled legs. Their feet are large with well-arched toes. The dog’s tail reaches the hock; it is slightly curved upward but never raised higher than the back. The skull is broad, with a wide, coarse muzzle, strong jaws, and a black nose. Elongated, triangular ears hang close to the head, and the entire dog is covered from head to tail in long, ropelike cords of white hair.
Komondor Temperament
The Kom possesses a typical working dog temperament – calm, steady, and utterly devoted to its owner. Therefore, you will need to tailor training to the breed’s sensitive, independent nature. Forceful methods will not work. This dog has strong protective, territorial instincts, and owners must channel this behavior appropriately. Puppies need consistent early socialization and training to become tolerant of strangers in their territory.

The Kom is true to its heritage in the sense that it is an independent protector of livestock. These dogs are independent thinkers and, at times, can be domineering and stubborn. Weak owners run the risk of being dominated by this breed; therefore, socialization and training are essential. Also, they can be aggressive toward other dogs but are good with other pets and especially livestock.
Breed Facts
Activity level: The puppies are quite energetic. This dog is a slow maturing breed, and puppies may not settle down until two or three years old. A mature dog is surprisingly fast, agile, and athletic but typically calm and dignified in the house. Two or three daily walks will keep an adult happy.
- POPULARITY: Very rare
- FAMILY: Livestock Dog, Flockguard
- DATE OF ORIGIN: Ancient times
- TODAY’S FUNCTION: Sheep Guardian

Grooming: The cords need tending to weekly to keep them clean and neat. Its coat and skin need checking carefully for fleas and ticks, and the ear canals must be kept free of hair.
- Coat: The Komondor’s corded coat is its most distinctive trait. It protects the dog from weather and predator attacks. The coarse outer layer and the dense, woolly undercoat naturally form into heavy, tassel-like cords covering the entire dog and eventually grow to floor length.
- Color: White
- MAJOR CONCERNS: CHD, gastric torsion
- MINOR CONCERNS: otitis externa, hot spots
- LIFE SPAN: 10 – 12 years
- WEIGHT: male: avg. Eighty pounds; female: avg. 70 pounds
- HEIGHT: male: 27 inches; female: 25 inches
Komondor Breeders and Buying Advice
Do not buy a Kom if you are unprepared for the responsibilities of living with a guard dog. Be sure to visit breeders to see adult Komondors before deciding that this is the breed for you. Make sure that the breeder screened the parents before buying a Komondor puppy.
- Parent club: Komondor Club of America (www.komondorclubofamerica.org); founded in 1967
- Rescue: You can find Komondor rescue information on the club’s website under “Rescue.”
Komondor Price
Buying a Komondor puppy is going to cost you about $1000 via a good reputable breeder. However, you will have to double that if you purchase a puppy from a breeder of show quality dogs. A rescue or shelter dog is a lot cheaper and can cost you around $50 to $400. Unfortunately, the chances of you finding a purebred Kom adult or puppy in a shelter are slim.