trainer running with his dog

The Basics of Successful Labrador Training: Top 10 Questions Answered

Labrador training is an enjoyable and rewarding experience. These dogs are intelligent, loyal, and eager to please, making them excellent training candidates. You can instruct your Labrador to be a well-mannered and... Read more »
keeping an elderly dog trained and engaged

Tips for Training Older Dogs: How to Teach an Old Dog New Tricks – Top 10 Questions Answered

Those who have adopted older pets can relate to the challenges of training older dogs instead of a puppy. Even so, training a senior canine family member is possible, and the rewards... Read more »
woman home training rottweiler

5 Tips for Effective Rottweiler Training: Top Questions Answered

When Rottweiler training, it’s important to remember that they are intelligent, loyal, and determined dogs. Not only do they need proper obedience training, but they also need socialization and exercise to keep... Read more »

E-Collar For Dogs

Before considering an e-collar for dogs, you need to know what you are training for. Are you going to train at home for hunting or control their barking? The type of e-collar... Read more »

Dog E-Collars

When looking at the instructions for dog e-collars, some may seem confident that they have all the information they need. Unfortunately, you couldn’t be more wrong. Although companies provide detailed instructions when... Read more »

Tips For Housetraining Your Shih Tzu Puppy

The best method of housetraining your Shih Tzu puppy is to start right away, right from the very first day your little bundle of joy enters your home. Keep in mind that... Read more »