owning a shitzu dog is a gift

Owning a Shih Tzu Dog

There’s nothing cheap about owning a Shih Tzu dog. The price of this unique breed of dog can run you on average anywhere from $500 to over $2000. However, this all depends... Read more »
perfect dog - resting Shih Tzu just being lazy

Is the Shih Tzu the Perfect dog for a Couch Potato or an Amateur Athlete?

Who is the Shih Tzu, the perfect dog for? Many people often love the look of these dogs but do not realize how physically limited this breed is. Shih Tzus simply cannot... Read more »
shih tzu and companionship

Shih Tzu and Companionship: The Perfect Dog for Lazy Families

Shih Tzu’s were bred to do one thing. And that is to be there with you through life’s many journeys as your close and trusted friend. In fact, the Shih Tzu and... Read more »